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Sander and Nolwenn and Sam in here!

Sander and Nolwenn are living in Okubo studio for 1 month. Sander plays the jazz piano so good!! (but he is not pianist) And Nolwenn is study Japanese at School in Ueda city for 3 weeks. I accepting of people other than artist :) And we hold concert of morin khuur (stringed musical instrument of Mongolian origin) on 12th April! Maybe, 25 people gathered at this concert. Musician's name "Okabayashi Tatsuya". We were really impressed by your beautiful, natural Khuur performance.

And their friends Sam also visiting here :) He lives in Scotland and working at a "The Scotch whisky experience" . I like whisky soooo much. So, i want to go to Scotland !!

Okubo community's Mayor took Sander, Sam to the Matsumoto city . I saw the photos you sent me. It looks fun!!

I hope enjoy the rest of their stay in Japan :)

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